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Three Types of Outdoor Lighting

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There are many different types of outdoor lighting, which can make it difficult to decide what kind you want for your home. While this list isn’t exhaustive, we’ve put together three common types of outdoor lighting that can help you start your search for the perfect way to light the outside of your home.

Three Types of Outdoor Lighting

  1. Flood lights. These are spotlights that illuminate wide swathes of your outdoor space. They are especially popular for shining some light on your patios or driveway.
  1. Step lights. Imagine you’ve just gotten home from a long trip. You’ve been in the same clothes since you got on the plane last night, and now that you’re home, it’s dark again. All you want to do is set down your luggage, maybe shower the feeling of travel off yourself, and fall into bed. You step out of the car, head for the door…and trip on your stairs. Step lights are lights installed into the vertical part of each step, illuminating the step beneath them. With a lighting fixture like this installed, you’ll never have to worry about spilling your luggage ever again.
  1. String lights. If step lights are largely functional, string lights are all about aesthetics. Sometimes called fairy lights, string lights are little bulbs strung in lines around the edge of a fence or above a deck. They’re pretty, elegant, and certain to add an elevated ambiance to any outdoor gathering.

It’s important to note that, in addition to these not being the only types of outdoor lighting, you also aren’t limited to just one. Mix and match whatever styles you like in order to achieve the look for your house that you like best!