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What to Expect from House Rewiring

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House rewiring is a large undertaking, and we discuss here the steps we at Quality Electrical Contractors take to find out whether or not your problem can’t be solved by something simpler, like an upgraded electrical panel. But, assuming you have completed that step and our professionals have determined you do need house rewiring, what happens now?

What to Expect from House Rewiring

The first thing to know is that house rewiring requires us to access nearly every single wall in your home — even the ceilings — in order to replace your wires. This process can take weeks, sometimes even months, while our professionals make sure everything is replaced and working as it should. Once that’s done, there will also be a wait while officials from your city will likely take the time to go over the house and declare it habitable again.

In preparation for this, it’s recommended that you move objects away from the walls and cover any furniture with plastic tarps or cloth sheets to protect them from dust. A house rewiring is also the perfect time for a vacation, or an extended visit to family and friends. Your home will be considered uninhabitable until the rewiring is complete.

While this may sound daunting, house rewiring can not only raise the value of your home by boasting new wiring, but it also ensures your home is overall a safer place to live in. With brand new wiring and a recent inspection from city officials, you likely won’t have to worry about electrical problems for a good long time.